There is a secret that will make your life magically full of happiness. What do you do It is free to use as much as you want. You know what Another wonderful book is magic. In it told you the secret. Gratitude is gratitude. Gratitude is the secret of gratitude. Sit calmly and without any thought close your eyes and slowly say thank you thank you to this universe. Try it once. This is called graditude. Gratitude brings peace for today and creates vision for tomorrow. For more clarity watch this video till the end. This book is another man who introduced us to the power within us through books. Joseph Money must attract first. Magic in relationships. Imagine that you are the only one on this earth. There is no competition for you. What is the use of being a singer what is the use of your painting if no one else sees it what is the use of your composted music if no one hears it no matter where you go in the four directions no one is there in this world. No one is visible to the eye. What is the use of going from one place to another in a nutshell there is no real happiness in our life that is why we need to know that the contacts and experiences we have with others give us happiness meaning and meaning in our lives. The relationships that play an important role in our lives give so much meaning to our lives and we need to be grateful. People with gratuity value with their relationships more and spend more time with family and friends.
Remember it is not right to criticize anyone be it a friend or a life partner to blame them to complain about asthma because our thoughts are the words that come out of them are very sharp. It should be known that there are definitely people in everyone’s life who feel like I do not exist without them, mother, father, friend, brother, sister, wife, etc. Who are the three people in your life who are very close to your heart what qualities do you like best about those three people what qualities do they have do they have patience do they have any talent and you should remember that there are many things that you like about them, like their smile, the love they show to us, the time they spend on us, keeping all these in mind when there is a problem in a relationship, we should only remove the problem not the relationship. We should learn to say thank you every time we meet people as much as possible even if it is a small thing. We should always be with grand tude that is we should carry with us the three photos that we think are the best. We should write the five qualities of them that we like on the back of that photo. Doing this will increase the bonding in relationships. Some of you may think that if we see those photos when we are in it will give us confidence that we have nowhere else to be thankful for each and every thing that those three have given us. But there is nothing that cannot be achieved with practice. It is not impossible to write some qualities that you like in three photos behind them. It is very easy and very simple. Although if there is no health there is no use.
But they are careful but in our country they come to the hospital after an accident if there is a health issue we go to the hospital and show them but how many of us are taking precautions to avoid the issue A person without eyes or legs can hope for someone who is okay. Do you know what it feels like for people like this so thank them Every morning before you drink a glass of water hold that water in your hand and say thank you to this air for giving you a good smell. If the root pressure is reduced the disease will be cured, it will remove any problem. Have you ever thought that our legs are able to walk because of our feet It seems very difficult to do what you are doing with your eyes closed for an hour. Each and every organ helps us and we should be grateful and say thanks for all of these. After the time passes after the situations are out of hand after the loss of the loved ones we are thankful for everything we have because this health is a gift given to us by the thing we must show gratitude. If we start thinking positive when we wake up then we feel positive for the whole day. Every morning gives us another day to think more to enjoy more to love others and to live another day. So we do so have a chance to think about negative things. If we don’t think about negative things we can give full attention to our work. If today is good tomorrow will also be good. This belief becomes stronger and if today is good our thoughts should be good from this moment because if our thoughts affect our feelings we will like them.
Whether it does us good or bad we attract whatever we think I do not like the job I do have as much money as I want I can you pay this month’s bills I did not get the life part I wanted in my life as I wanted I am alone If we think about the problems in this world we should know that today I have as much money as I want I got married gradually I am not alone but everyone in this world I will face the person bravely and move forward. When we think positively the universe will make universal efforts to get us what we want. Now tell us if we think positively we will benefit or if we think negatively we will benefit because each day is precious to us each day is like a gift. Thank you for sleeping peacefully thank you for having a home. Give thanks for having food to eat means to be thankful for everything we experience in our life. When we are thankful we know the value of what we have. We start to be more careful this gratitude we show to the world as well as to those around us works like a magic for us and changes our lives. Transform Mistakes Into Blessings Every mistake we make knowingly and unknowingly is like a blessing because sometimes the good things others say only reaches our ears but every mistake we make knowingly and unknowingly makes us remember the loss. Because of that we become those who have learned some lesson and if we recognize our mistake and admit it it will change. For example you left a good job without any support and now you are suffering and because of that you are worried about your future.
Then you have to turn your mistake into a blessing. I am very grateful to have more timeI have learned a good lesson about planning ahead and I am grateful for this I am thankful Write it down Ten is even better After each item think thank you Thank you thrice You can turn even one mistake you are made into a blessing So before we end the points I will be told you today in relationships The thought of no one else is terrifying Doing this increases bonding in relationships as well as gratitude Magic in Health We should be thankful for every organ in our body today we are walking talking and enjoying The reason we are healthy is because we are healthy We should always be thankful to the universe for giving us all these things We should always thank our body because what we give is more than what we give. The more we do the better we get Everyone who is struggling in the world faces some difficulty no matter how big the problem is we do not have the capacity to solve it at such times we get disappointed because there is no one there to save us we have to save ourselves and lay the foundation for our victory then we are in control it is our responsibility to do it. If done properly success will surely come by itself so there should never be despair hope is what drives us forward hope should not be too much nor should we get too much happiness now try to be neutral try this only when victory is on your side you will deserve it Difficulty is an experience for everyone this experience is difficult for every middle class family and even rich people everyone experiences these feelings, but the way they experience the feelings they try to overcome them that is what the universe teaches us.
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