China is the second largest economy in the world in terms of money but only China has the capability to surpass America in terms of technology but in power. From 1949 to 1990 China which gained its independence late was in a situation where it could not compete with India at least, but after 1990, it surpassed Germany and grew the fastest. Otherwise it is not corona virus but hunger what you have heard is true about three to four crore people died of hunger in two years just to eat. In 1980 Chinese poverty is only 63% only 63 people but if we look at the present, China power is only 0.1% in 2023 that means not one hundred and one people are in poverty but to eat the country of China. Today I am going to tell you what good things he has done from a situation of no food to a superpower today an important thing to know is that China was not India from the beginning. Before India was a country, China was also a very rich country before the entry of the British. China has been looted for more than years. It is called the Century of Humiliation. Civil war started in China after the Second World War. It means that they split into two separate groups and fought. The Communist Party in China is called the Nationalist Party. The Communist Party won in October 1949, the People Republic of China was established which means that China is a The Chinese people hoped that after the formation of a new country, the first president of the country would be the leader of the Communist Party and he would make China a well recognized country.
The first of them was land and agriculture policy another industrial policy but through land agriculture policy the Chinese government took acres of land from zamindaris and landlords and used them for poor people the farmers should bear the loss and the harvested crop should be given in full by the government. After some years the farmers know that they are losing so they stop growing crops because of you there was a lack of enough food grains for the people in China. Within a few days it turned into a severe famine which spread all over China in 1961 and about three to four million Chinese people starved to death. Besides this agricultural policy the reason for this was that the people in China did not have the skills so they did not invite anyone from outside countries to do business in China. And even if the Chinese government built steel plants by investing thousands of crores of rupees in skill and labor the quality was not there because the people of China lacked skills. The Chinese people noticed this and the Communist Party also attacked Mao Udon but the only development that happened during Mao Udon rule was that the population increased from 55 crores to 95 crores. During his presidency no policies were implemented for population control in China so in 1949 china became a after becoming a separate country the Chinese people who wanted development were reduced to eating at least by the time of Majnu un healthy in 1976.
A new president Deng Xiaoping saw many people suffering from hunger, whether it was work or food Ding Xiaoping thought of a solution, so he visited the rapidly developing countries around China such as Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea, and observed all their policies. After ding xioping meaning but the thing is following captalisim listen carefully there are three types of economic systems in this world one capital list economy two socialist economy crude mixed economy now let’s look at socialist economy companies in that country all the land and labor are in the hands of the government there is a private company There is no mention of that, everything is supervised only by the government. Next Capital List Academy means that the government runs only some important sectors in that country like education and health. All other centers are in the hands of private companies and all the decisions related to them are taken by those private companies.
America is left mixed. In all sectors of the economy, both government and private companies compete for example India then do not think that I am saying the songs in school because if you want to understand why a country is developing, you need to know the difference between these three that is in 1980 China was a pure socialist economy and no one in China knew the word private company because there was no private sector in that country there were no new technologies, companies or jobs. The economic situation of the people is not really good. Countries like Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea are becoming capital ST principals.
Big farma companies are setting up factories in their countries and people are getting jobs. Due to this the economy of that country is increasing. Similarly the people of the country are also getting good jobs. The poverty in our country is also very fast. So like Malaysia they have decided to implement capital in China which means encouraging private companies to do business the first steps taken to change the Chinese economic system is the open door policy which has been open until then but the problem here is that it is not easy to make changes in the social risk system that China has followed for hundreds of years, so test how it works without directly implementing this system in the whole country. A small village has been selected to do it and the government will give them many benefits in any way that is low important duty free loan less and less tax as well as cheap labor that is a process to get more profit with less labor then a miracle happened in this one area in a few years. Considered as sez some changes have taken place since then that is this small village of mat weavers has suddenly become the fastest growing city in the world. Due to a decision taken by a leader in China there has been good development in that country. With the intention of being there all the cities have welcomed private companies to invest in their country and thus the day to day development of their country has increased.
Do you know the result, Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Volkswagen, Phillips and many other big MLC companies like Jones you have increased and many types of MNC companies have entered in China. Basically by creating a special economic zone the government will get a lot of loss because those companies will have to give tax benefits to build factories. Supply should be done Chinese people should work for low salary if not the government like there has come up with an idea that any company like Apple can take a lease for 20 to 30 years and start manufacturing mobiles in this area. The future will be the basis because the people of China and children will also get many kinds of opportunities for the next generation, there will be good resources and also jobs will be very easy. These companies have also been introduced by this government. Now if people’s income increases then the government will not need to spend money on welfare schemes and all the money can be used again to develop their country. The president of China understood this very well so he invited private companies to China. now how important it is for companies to come So due to this economic policy
implemented in China FB which was only zero point zero six billion dollars per year in 1981 has increased to 33 billion dollars by 2021. It means that foreign investment has increased from 6 crores to 27 lakh crore rupees in a year. China has become a manufacturing hub for the world. If there are 195 countries, more than 20% of the goods used by daily people are made only in China. That is why sleeping which is the cause of all this is called the father of modern China. By 2022 in 17.9 It has increased to a trillion dollars. If a company wants to set up a factory in any state and manufacture there for a few years, there should be a guarantee. All the people will decide and appoint a political leader to rule their state and only if that state leader allows such companie then our India is a developed country.
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