Hi friends how are you today i am going to tell you how to edit water drop lyrical video editing in this article so watch till the end this editing and the process is very easy if we add some effects it can make it very attractive and this process is related The material, given by me in the description you can download from there and use the effects of that preset you can do the editing process if not everyone also observe carefully from the first to the end if you observe carefully you will get an understanding of the editing process so that you can do a good editing process I hope you will learn about the editing process carefully because you can do this kind of editing process just using the Alight Motion application In this you can edit the editing process.
in a very stylish way using various effects and fonts which is how I explain everything to you in a way that you can also able to understand open the Alight Motion application create project before then you can choose the background colour as Black and then click on create then you can see the interface now you can edit the project After that process you can add the particular song or music into this project because you can add the song from music option then select with plus icon then it will added to the project. after that process you can add the text means the lyrics of the song so before editing this project you need to choose the lyrics from any browser and add to notepad.
STEP :- 1
Because it is the easy way to process the same editing project to copy and paste the lyrics at a time now choose the option text and make a text layer and add the lyrics as per the song to the project and now drag the same layer and upto 30 seconds and split the layer And now again split the layer and copy the continue lyrics in notepad and paste the same in that text layer this process will be continue for to add all the lyrics after that process you need to choose the best font to the project and lyrics will be visible very attractive so down the font through the given link and add the same font to the Alight Motion application And now choose the each and every lyric layer and paste the copied lyrics into this project now you click on the text layer.
STEP :- 2
After that choose the option text transfer with standard settings and open the settings and choose the option end and keep it as 100% and choose the option scope and keep it as 0.94 And also keep the layer as component and again choose scope and keep it as -0.74 and keep the key frames in beginning and ending After that click on move and transform option and adjust lyrics into middle of the project. In the same way you can add the key frames for each and every lyric layer because the text will be mound to be an attractive because of using the key frames it will design an animation into the project now you can use an animation to the lyrics for that click on add effects and choose the effect text transform with standard settings and keep scope as -0.29.
STEP :- 3
Choose the middle key frame and keep it as 1.00 and choose last let frame and keep it as -0.29 now the effects will be add to the lyrics. And you can play the project and see whether the lyrics will be added in a sequential order and if there is any mistake in the text you can also edit the text and make them correct lyrics. after that process you need to check each and every option and choose the option export icon and export this project with high quality because this project will be edited in Alight Motion and it will take to process the editing project in best quality. If you have not provided you with the amazing effects you need for this project and you should now provide a water drops effect for this project.
STEP :- 4
This is because there are different types of animations to use this application to edit this project So that everyone must download the node video editing application and open there it will ask you some requirements so you need keep the ratio and background colour and choose create the project After that process you need to add the the exported project into this application for that choose the option plus icon and choose the ratio and add the same video into this project Now choose the option evolution and keep it as 0.25 and choose radius as 1.000 and streching and keep it as 0.68 and choose blend mode solid colour and choose intensity 1.0 and keep the glow colour as blue. After setting it like this you can click on the export icon and export it only high quality export is the best way to know the quality.
STEP :- 5
I think everyone likes the editing process. whoever is thinking of editing a water tap script video, they will definitely like the editing process of this one. Also in alight motion editing application then you can make many different types of effects and editing projects. Please visit my website often as you can learn the process if you pay close attention.If you have an interest in the editing process. If you edit in the way I have described you will surely become a good editor. hope you will give me your valuable support as I will come up with another editing project with another editing content ins another editing application because we are providing you the valuable editing process can be explained through the article and please support our website growth the we will discuss about complete details thankyou
kinemaster Preset
Full project ( app subscription)
Video photo
Song link 🔗