They do not know that man has existed on this earth for 2000 years but the written human history is only 5000 years which means that 90% of the human history is only one living thing known in our human history and any living thing other than man will die after some time who am I going to after we die and why should we go there and what should we do after we go there man has imagined three answers to these questions, should ego be satisfied the first one is that after death we carry our sins and virtues with us and some people say that we are going to heaven today to take another birth that religion is the religion that has given us security because of our insecurity do you know that there were many thousands of religions in our world before the beginning of human history and many religions will disappear. Currently, there are more than a thousand religions in our world in which those who support God are more than 50% arises three religions we know well Hinduism Christianity and Muslim the essence of God is one God and man relationship is onewe think all religions teach the same message but that is not correct Whose rain is influencing them
I am speaking to the best of my knowledge and scope even though it is a sensitive matter but everyone is talking about it so that everyone should know its implications so I have chosen this concept first let us talk about Hinduism Brahma Vishnu Maheshwar these trinity only create this universe and they also have the power to destroy this universe. It is said that for some years it will be tithed and then it will be destroyed. Everyone knows that Hinduism is an orthodox religion. All this is going on according to a theory. For Hindus, the final event is Moksha. Whoever gets Moksha is the one who conquers their life. In the life destiny of a Hindu, Dharma, Karma is rebirth, darshan moksha is actually what this Hinduism teaches us that we are all born like human beings we should consider everyone in our nature as divine they say that we should see them as divine that is why we worship a snake as a snake a weapon that can be cut by a man we worship it as life worship and also in negative things our Hindu Sanatana Dharma teaches us to see god
Hinduism is the great religion that teaches that is why in any religion there is some god who follows him and some followers follow you and we are following each religion india Now let us know about Christianity, the most followed religion in the world is Christianity, about 33 percent of people follow Christianity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, this religion follows these three elements. Take them to a tree and tell them that you are allowed to eat anything on this earth but do not eat the fruit from the top of this tree but go beyond its righteousness and eat that fruit and they have become sinners. Everyone believes that we are born as sinners to wash away our sins and that God sent his son Jesus Christ to save us that is why Jesus is the son of God and the Savior of humanity. How much has it affected this world divided there are many great principles in Christianity that is to say that you should take care of those around you as much as you take care of yourself many great great people wrote down the principles of Christianity and reached out to those who always take them with them wherever they believe
And then follow whatever is in that book properly many believe that obedience is the only way to reach a higher level love is the hallmark of Christianity Islam is the two biggest religion in the world Islam is still the first religion that is growing very fast even after 500 years Islam has spread well its concept is also similar to Christianity so this religion has gained importance in foreign countries fast because this religion also has many kinds of good principles and it happened is that our main characteristic is to submit ourselves to God. If we look at this according to Islam, there is no one like God. Therefore whatever religion follows that religion they name their children after that God the name is given for the sole purpose of making it unique and everyone used to worship idols in Makkah but according to Islam idolatry is forbidden then prophet Muhammad started saying that it is our duty to worship Islam do not put idols they sent him from there where the opposition grew in Makkah then he reached Madinah with his followers Islam started to respond very fast from Madinah by doing this extreme nativity
And started in Matka they wanted to fight on Madinah then what the prophet said we believe in one religion. Our religion does not encourage violence but if someone comes to destroy our faith let us fight to maintain our faith let us fight a holy war the name of that holy war is Jihad then we won while everyone was enjoying with happiness now what we have done is Jihad we have to fight to save our faith Jihadi Akbar is the salvation of lust in us they said that we should overcome anger and wealth greed, we should surrender completely to God in order to be merciful when two Muslims meet they say salam malekum meaning peace be upon you and immediately another says malekum salam It is not right for us to denigrate the entire Muslim for being made up go to any true Muslim like this and ask them what they say about you many terrorists are destroying our country when you ask them the answer they give is that a true Muslim has always tortured others it inspires me with all rights and courage for the future I understand that if we follow the Sanatana Dharma in religion our future will go further without doing this kind of mistake if we combine good habits with good performance then we can always be successful in life we should move forward without such bad misconceptions is the main thing that everyone should remember Item
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