Hi friends in this article we are read to explain about the best Perfect photo clip graphics video editing so please follow the complete editing process then you will understand the editing process there are so many shake effects are used to edit this project and every person can edit this project in their own version as per the required preset there are several advantages to edit this editing and this project can be done by using the kinemaster editing application by using this application you can create number of Editings and it will useful and easy to create for the beginner
So open the kinemaster application and Choose the screen ratio as 9:16 because it will be best ratio to edit for the status video editing. After that choose the project settings and you need to keep the tome duration of the photo that can be added and keep the time duration as 0.5 seconds and click on create project. And I will provide you the beat sync video in description so you can download then through the link and import into this project. And there is another application to use the beatsync application because by using this application you can create the best beats because by using the kinemaster some of the graphics will be useful and it will be fulfilled by using this application.
Now simply open beat sync application and choose the images option and add the hd quality images into this project and make the complete images as full screen. And below there are so many clip graphics will be available in the below of this project so you can observe the clip graphics to add them to process. And now choose one of the best clip graphics to apply to the images. And now you need to choose the booms away effect and there you can observe the kinemaster icon by choosing this you can add the complete video automatically to the kinemaster application. So open the application and choose the ratio after that choose the editing option and keep the photo duration as 2.5 seconds and choose the full screen option and click on continue. And I will provide you three seconds lyricak effects video so please download it through the link and add into this project. And now choose the layer and keep it only for 2.6 seconds and delete the remaining part from the browser.
After that process you can add some of hd quality images into this project for that choose the option layer and select media option and now select the images into this project in a sequential order and you can add several photos in a order and approximately you can add 20 images to this project. And I will provide you beat mark timings so by using the timing you can adjust and drag the layer to process the editing. For the first photo you can add the call me DJ effects to add the project. And choose the second photo and add the memory like the you can add the effects to the project after drag the layer. After that choose the third photo and now add the third effects to the project. Now I will provide you the beat mark music in description so you can download through the link and add the same music into this project for that choose the option layer and select the audio option then you can add the music into this project and make the layer upto 30 seconds.
After that process you need to choose the first photo layer and choose the option clip graphics and select call me DJ effect to the project and add the fifth effect to the first photo. After that choose the second photo and choose the option clip graphics and select call me DJ effect to the project and add the third effect to the photo. And again choose the third photo and choose option clip graphics and select call me DJ effect to the project and add the fourth effect to the third photo. In the same way you can add the clip graphics to the photos and only use the same effect for 6 photos. And you can add the another effect to the remaining photos for that click on clip graphics and choose the option memory line and add into this project this project is useful to process the complete editing and there you choose memory line effects in that effects you can observe various effects so choose the You can set the effect you like because in this also you have different types of effects including eight types of effects you apply each effect to each photo after applying this and play the whole video once you can fully understand whether the effects are added or not.
After adding in this way you will be left with up to six photos and even six photos you have to add clip graphics again so you have Kind Master applications clip graphics have many types of animations, so you can see the one you like and do the effects in it. Also provide the other six photos.By editing in this way you can edit your images very beautifully with click graphics. I hope you all like this process because many people are making these videos using clip graphics like this but I also taught them how to use another application to edit from Kindmaster Beatsync application is a very good application there are many clip graphics like this.
From there you can see what you like and you will also get the method of importing it directly into kinemaster and I think this process is understood by everyone. And I will tell you about many more interesting editing projects like this in the next article so everyone please pay attention and learn about this editing process carefully and in the next article I will explain the editing process and explain the process to you in the next article. Please support the website I need your valuable support and support because of your valuable support I am excited to bring you any kind of content. Thank you and wish your support to continue with me forever thankyou.
►Kinemaster Preset Link 👇
►Beat Mark project preset :
►Beat Mark Xml file Link :-
►Shake effect Preset LINK 👇
►Shake effect XML LINK 👇
►Video Photo LINK 👇
► Song Download Link 🔗